
Extracts information from Mascot dat files.



dat2excel is a Perl program that extracts information from Mascot data files, using a GUI developed in wxPerl.

This version is a beta version, which should be tested in different environments and with different databases. For now, only MS/MS files are treated. The "dat" file must be accessible by the file system (not through the web server). And it's also highly recommended to access the database, on which the search would be generated, on the same PC where you are using dat2Excel (where possible).


  • Windows XP - Vista.
  • At least 1.5 Gh processor and 0.5 GB of RAM.
  • Microsoft Office: Excel is essential.
  • Mascot "dat" files, and the database (in Fasta format), all of them accessible through the file system. Moreover we recommend the database file to be on the same PC running the dat2excel program.


You can download the last version of the dat2excel Program, developed at LP CSIC/UAB, clicking this download link Download.

After downloading, you have to e-mail us at logo3 to get you free password and unlock the installation program.