FastaToolsGUI based, Perl made application that performs several operations to Fasta protein databases.
DescriptionFastaTools is a GUI based, Perl made application that performs several operations to Fasta protein databases (DB). FastaTools performs four main actions: - DB exploration: it shows the first 200 lines of the database. - DB Analysis: the number of lines, proteins and peptides generated after digestion by an enzyme are reported. Five different enzymes are supported at this time, and the user can specify the number of missed cleavages, minimum and maximum masses for peptide generation. - Decoy DB generation: a decoy database is generated using the specified DB. Three strategies of decoy generation are supported (reverse, random and pseudo-random). The new DB can be attached to the original. - DB Search: a simple text or a list of terms can be introduced to be searched inside the DB. The headers or the sequences can be scanned, into three general strategies:
- DB Join: join multiple Fasta databases. DownloadYou can download the last version of the FastaTools Program, developed at LP CSIC/UAB, clicking this download link . After downloading, you have to e-mail us at to get you free password and unlock the installation program. DocumentationMore information, documents and help can be found at a PDF file . Copyright notice: This software has been produced at the Proteomics Facility CSIC-UAB by David Ovelleiro on the framework of a Spanish BIO2004/01788 directed by Dr. Joaquin Abian. It is under the GNU General Public License (v3) and the source code is available through e-mail to . |