Currently all our software is available at our Bitbucket repositories:

It transforms RAW files from Thermo to MGF  (Mascot Generic Format).

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It integrates the search results that have been obtained from the same file using different proteomics seach engines.

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JsonVisor is an easy to use graphical application, that allows an easy, fast and intutitive analysis of all the data contained in JSON proteomic files generated by the Integrator Program from the search results obtained from different proteomic search engines.
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Search for MHC-like motifs in peptide collections. This utility helps in the search for MHC-like motifs in collections of peptide sequences obtained from proteomic analyses. Motifs will search for sequence motifs characterized by an anchor position defined by the presence of one or several specific amino acids and will determine the frecuency of the different amino acids in each position in the sequence to the right (C-terminal) of the anchor.

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Extracts info from Mascot dat files.

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FastaTools is a Graphical User Interface Perl made application that performs several operations to Fasta formatted, protein databases (DB). It has multiple features and it's been designed to be a useful tool for anyone working on the Proteomics field.

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KimBlast is a rich and powerful GUI based, Python application that formats and indexes Fasta databases for Blast (Basic Local Alignments Search Tool), performs multiple Blast searches locally using those databases (with a full set of options to optimize your searches) and helps to perform an easy and fast analysis of the results obtained.

KimPeptid is a rich GUI based, Python application that calculates several importan peptide properties (such as pI,hydropathicity, charge, monoisotopic mass, etc...) and helps to easily analyse the results.

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